A City Made For Walking

The Kingsport Greenbelt, a 10-mile linear park spanning from East to West, has won numerous national awards for its contribution to the City of Kingsport. It was envisioned by organizers and community leaders who aimed to foster a healthy community that values its natural resources.

This cherished resource welcomes walkers, bikers, and pets, establishing Kingsport as a community that prioritizes both well-being and nature. Volume Interactive has played a part in this legacy by creating a website and participating on the Advisory Committee.

A mobile experience for information, trailheads and more.

In the Spring of 2023, the new Kingsport Greenbelt interface was launched with a strong emphasis on enhancing the mobile experience.

Every page of the website is thoughtfully designed for mobile users, providing easy access to maps, directions, and trailheads at all points along the way. Users can conveniently download a map, capture pictures, and explore social media links.

Additionally, the Kingsport Greenbelt website undergoes seasonal changes and receives regular updates to keep the content fresh and up-to-date.

Visit The Kingsport Greenbelt website.

Come Walk With Us!

Photography and Social Media Content Production

We strongly believe in the value of this remarkable community asset. We frequently utilize the trail to clear our minds and find inspiration for new ideas. Moreover, we capture numerous pictures to help showcase and preserve this exceptional gem for Kingsport.